MOC3021 Optocouplers/Optoisolators OPT21


Gallium-Arsenide-Diode Infrared Source and Optically-Coupled Silicon Traic Driver (Bilateral Switch),High Isolation :7500 V Peak, Output Driver Designed for 220 Vac, Directly Interchangeable with Motorola MOC3020,MOC3022,and MOC3023

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SKU: CPN453 Category:


*400 V Phototriac Driver Output
*Gallium-Arsenide-Diode Infrared Source and Optically-Coupled Silicon Traic Driver (Bilateral Switch)
*High Isolation :7500 V Peak
* Output Driver Designed for 220 Vac
*Standard 6-Terminal Plastic DIP
* Directly Interchangeable with Motorola MOC3020,MOC3022,and MOC3023

Typical 115/240 Vac(rms) applications
*Solenoid/Valve Controls
*Lamp Ballasts
*Interfacing Microprocessors to 115/240 Vac
* Motor Controls
*Incandescent Lamp Dimmers