TL084CN TL084 DIP-14 Quad JFET-Input Op Amp23


The TL084CNs are high speed J–FET input quad operational amplifiers incorporating well matched, high voltage J–FET and bipolar transistors in a monolithic integrated circuit.

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SKU: CPN5103 Category:


The TL084CNs are high speed J–FET input quad operational amplifiers incorporating well matched, high voltage J–FET and bipolar transistors in a monolithic integrated circuit this TL084CNs it can be used in tablets, white goods,computers and personal electronics devices.


  • All voltage values, except differential voltage, are with respect to the zero reference level (ground) of the supply voltages where the zero reference level is the midpoint between VCC+ and -VCC. ±18 V Vi Input Voltage – note 2)
  • The magnitude of the input voltage must never exceed the magnitude of the supply voltage or 15 volts, whichever is less. ±15 V Vid Differential Input Voltage – note 3)
  • Differential voltages are the non-inverting input terminal with respect to the inverting input terminal. ±30 V Ptot Power Dissipation 680 mW Output Short-circuit Duration – note 4)
  • The output may be shorted to ground or to either supply. Temperature and/or supply voltages must be limited to ensure that the dissipation rating is not exceeded Infinite
    Toper Operating Free-air Temperature Range -55 to +125 -40 to +105 0 to +70 °C
    Tstg Storage Temperature Range -65 to +150 °C