The FQP70N10 is an N-channel enhancement mode power MOSFET transistor, produced by ON Semiconductor (formerly Fairchild Semiconductor). It’s designed for high voltage and current applications, with key features like:
- 100V maximum drain-to-source voltage: This makes it suitable for a variety of circuits where higher voltages are needed.
- 57A continuous drain current: It can handle a continuous current of up to 57A, making it suitable for high-power applications.
- Low on-resistance (0.023Ω): This translates to lower power dissipation and higher efficiency in circuits.
- Fast switching performance: It can switch on and off quickly, making it suitable for applications like DC/DC converters and motor control.
- High avalanche energy strength: It can withstand short bursts of high voltage without being damaged.
Here are some common applications of the FQP70N10:
- Switched-mode power supplies: High efficiency DC/DC and AC/DC conversion.
- Audio amplifiers: Class D and other high-power audio amplifiers.
- DC motor control: Controlling the speed and direction of DC motors.
- Variable switching power applications: Various circuits where the power needs to be controlled electronically
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