The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor also called an IGBT for short, is something of a cross between a conventional Bipolar Junction Transistor, (BJT) and a Field Effect Transistor, (MOSFET) making it ideal as a semiconductor switching device.
The IGBT Transistor takes the best parts of these two types of common transistors, the high input impedance and high switching speeds of a MOSFET with the low saturation voltage of a bipolar transistor, and combines them together to produce another type of transistor switching device that is capable of handling large collector-emitter currents with virtually zero gate current drive.
Type Designator: BT40T60ANF
Type: IGBT
Type of IGBT Channel: N
Maximum Power Dissipation (Pc), W: 280
Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage |Vce|, V: 600
Maximum Gate-Emitter Voltage |Vge|, V: 20
Maximum Collector Current |Ic| @25℃, A: 80
Collector-Emitter saturation Voltage |VCE(sat)|, typ, V: 1.8
Maximum G-E Threshold Voltag |VGE(th)|, V: 7
Maximum Junction Temperature (Tj), ℃: 150
Rise Time (tr), typ, nS: 50
Collector Capacity (Cc), typ, pF: 170
Total Gate Charge (Qg), typ, nC: 165
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