Faranux Electronics is private held company founded by Rodrigue Ahimana in 2015 when he was an engineering student at the University of Rwanda College of science and Technology.
During that time power cut was common especially during the peak time in Kigali, He was fascinated by how public institutions mismanage electricity mainly after work hours, He could see lights ON all night long in those public buildings when there is nobody in those offices, On other hand there was blackout at his home, He said to himself: “what a waste? They are wasting energy while others are in need of it?!”.
He thought to himself that If he build a control system that will manage the electricity usage remotely, We can be able save a lot of tax payer’s money and reduce blackout for residentials. To do this, He needed an android app as a user friendly interface, internet as communication medium to send and receive the commands to the control system.
As he was looking for components he needed to make his first prototype, He could not find them locally, He needed to import them, He had to face logistics nightmare on components imported…Then, He asked himself how can someone in the local community can turn their idea into reality by using electronics? How can we help people to be confident thinkers who can spot a problem the community is facing and take that problem as opportunity to provide better solutions to the community by using technology?
He found that he can make a positive impact by bringing an electronics shop to the local community, Where people can easily get electronics parts (Components, sensors, dev boards..) to build their prototypes and turn their ideas into reality.
Since then Faranux Electronics has been receiving and processing orders from Rwanda, DRC and Kenya.
If you want to contact/meet Rodrigue please contact us here .